
  1. Laura E. Marin and Daniel I. Zavaleta-Guzman and Jessyca I. Gutierrez-Garcia and Daniel Racoceanu and Fanny L. Casado (2025). Prediction of biochemical prostate cancer recurrence from any Gleason score using robust tissue structure and clinically available information. Discov Onc 16, 128 (2025). [Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  2. Mehdi Ounissi and Morwena Latouche and Daniel Racoceanu (2024). "PhagoStat a scalable and interpretable end to end framework for efficient quantification of cell phagocytosis in neurodegenerative disease studies". Scientific Reports 14, 6482 (2024).[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  3. Gabriel Jimenez and Pablo Mas and Anuradha Kar and Julien Peyrache and Lea Ingrassia and Susana Boluda and Benoît Delatour and Lev Stimmer and Daniel Racoceanu (2023). "A meta-graph approach for analyzing whole slide histopathological images of human brain tissue with Alzheimer's disease biomarkers". Medical Imaging 2023: Digital and Computational Pathology 12471, 476-482, 2023. vol. 12471. pp. 476-482.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  4. Janan Arslan and Haocheng Luo and Pawan Kumar and Matthieu Lacroix and Pierrick Dupré and Arran Hodgkinson and Christine Pignodel and Laurent Le Cam and Ovidiu Radulescu and Daniel Racoceanu (2023). "Reconstruction vasculaire 3D et analyse de lames virtuelles H&E dans l'étude du mélanome". IABM2023: Colloque Français d'Intelligence Artificielle en Imagerie Biomédicale, 2023.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  5. Janan Arslan and Daniel Racoceanu and Kurt K Benke (2023). "Deep Learning Using Images of the Retina for Assessment of Severity of Neurological Dysfunction in Parkinson Disease". JAMA ophthalmology 141 (3), 240-241, 2023. vol. 141. no. 3. pp. 240-241.[Paper link][Bibtex]
  6. Guanghui Fu and Gabriel Jimenez and Sophie Loizillon and Lydia Chougar and Didier Dormont and Romain Valabregue and Ninon Burgos and Stéphane Lehéricy and Daniel Racoceanu and Olivier Colliot (2023). "Frequency Disentangled Learning for Segmentation of Midbrain Structures from Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Data". arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.12980, 2023.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  7. Janan Arslan and Haocheng Luo and Matthieu Lacroix and Pierrick Dupré and Pawan Kumar and Arran Hodgkinson and Sarah Dandou and Romain M Larive and Christine Pignodel and Ovidiu Radulescu and Daniel Racoceanu (2023). "3D Reconstruction of H&E Whole Slide Images in Melanoma". SPIE Medical Imaging 2023, 2023.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  8. Gabriel Jimenez and Daniel Racoceanu (2023). "Computational Pathology for Brain Disorders." Machine Learning for Brain Disorders, edited by Olivier Colliot, Humana, 23 July 2023.pp. 533–572. [Paper link][Bibtex]
  9. Songhui Diao and Yinli Tian and Wanming Hu and Jiaxin Hou and Ricardo Lambo and Zhicheng Zhang and Yaoqin Xie and Xiu Nie and Fa Zhang and Daniel Racoceanu and Wenjian Qin (2022). "Weakly supervised framework for cancer region detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in whole-slide pathologic images based on multiscale attention convolutional neural network". The American journal of pathology 192 (3), 553-563, 2022. vol. 192. no. 3. pp. 553-563.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  10. Kristyna Maňoušková and Valentin Abadie and Mehdi Ounissi and Gabriel Jimenez and Lev Stimmer and Benoit Delatour and Stanley Durrleman and Daniel Racoceanu (2022). "Tau protein discrete aggregates in Alzheimer's disease: neuritic plaques and tangles detection and segmentation using computational histopathology". Medical Imaging 2022: Digital and Computational Pathology 12039, 33-39, 2022. vol. 12039. pp. 33-39.[Paper link][Bibtex]
  11. Daniel Racoceanu and Mehdi Ounissi and Yannick L Kergosien (2022). "Explicabilité en Intelligence Artificielle; vers une IA Responsable". Techniques de l'Ingenieur, 2022.[Paper link][Bibtex]
  12. Gabriel Jimenez and Anuradha Kar and Mehdi Ounissi and Léa Ingrassia and Susana Boluda and Benoît Delatour and Lev Stimmer and Daniel Racoceanu (2022). "Visual deep learning-based explanation for neuritic plaques segmentation in Alzheimer’s Disease using weakly annotated whole slide histopathological images". Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2022: 25th …, 2022. pp. 336-344.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  13. Daniel Racoceanu and Mehdi Ounissi and Yannick L Kergosien (2022). "Explainability in Artificial Intelligence; towards Responsible AI". Techniques de l'Ingenieur, 2022.[Paper link][Bibtex]
  14. Gabriel Jimenez Garay and Anuradha Kar and Mehdi Ounissi and Lev Stimmer and Benoit Delatour and Daniel Racoceanu (2022). "Interpretable Deep Learning in Computational Histopathology for refined identification of Alzheimer’s Disease biomarkers". Alzheimer's & Dementia 18, e065363, 2022. vol. 18. pp. e065363.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  15. Guanghui Fu and Gabriel Jimenez and Sophie Loizillon and Rosana El Jurdi and Lydia Chougar and Didier Dormont and Romain Valabregue and Ninon Burgos and Stéphane Lehéricy and Daniel Racoceanu and Olivier Colliot (2022). "Fourier Disentangled Multimodal Prior Knowledge Fusion for Red Nucleus Segmentation in Brain MRI". arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01353, 2022.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  16. Pawan Kumar and Janan Arslan and Arran Hodgkinson and Haocheng Luo and Sarah Dandou and Pierrick Dupré and Christine Pignodel and Romain M Larive and Laurent Le Cam and Racoceanu Daniel and Ovidiu Radulescu (2022). "Data driven mechanistic modeling of oxygen distribution and hypoxia profile in tumor microenvironment". COMPSYSCAN2022, 2022.[Paper link][Bibtex]
  17. Janan Arslan and Pawan Kumar and Arran Hodgkinson and Haocheng Luo and Pierrick Dupré and Sarah Dandou and Christine Pignodel and Romain M Larive and Matthieu Lacroix and Laurent Le Cam and Ovidiu O Radulescu and Daniel Racoceanu (2022). "3D reconstruction and mathematical modelling of whole slide images to elucidate resistance to the targeted therapy in melanoma". International Conference in Systems Biology, 2022.[Paper link][Bibtex]
  18. Janan Arslan and Mehdi Ounissi and Gabriel Jiménez and Anuradha Kar and Daniel Racoceanu (2022). "Responsible artificial intelligence: a review of current trends". Winter School AI4Health, 2022.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  19. Filippo Fraggetta and Vincenzo L’imperio and David Ameisen and Rita Carvalho and Sabine Leh and Tim-Rasmus Kiehl and Mircea Serbanescu and Daniel Racoceanu and Vincenzo Della Mea and Antonio Polonia and Norman Zerbe and Catarina Eloy (2021). "Best practice recommendations for the implementation of a digital pathology workflow in the anatomic pathology laboratory by the European Society of digital and integrative pathology (ESDIP)". Diagnostics 11 (11), 2167, 2021. vol. 11. no. 11. pp. 2167.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  20. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu (2021). "Innovative deep learning approach for biomedical data instantiation and visualization". Deep Learning for Biomedical Data Analysis: Techniques, Approaches, and …, 2021. pp. 171-196.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  21. Fedra Trujillano and Jessenia Gonzalez and Carlos Saito and Andres Flores and Daniel Racoceanu (2021). "Corn Crops Identification Using Multispectral Images from Unmanned Aircraft Systems". 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 4712 …, 2021. pp. 4712-4715.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  22. Valentin Abadie and Lev Stimmer and Benoit Delatour and Stanley Durrleman and Daniel Racoceanu (2021). "Tau Protein Discrete Aggregates in Alzheimer’s Disease: Detection and Segmentation from Computational Histopathology". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  23. Anne L Martel and Purang Abolmaesumi and Danail Stoyanov and Diana Mateus and Maria A Zuluaga and S Kevin Zhou and Daniel Racoceanu and Leo Joskowicz (2020). "Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4–8, 2020, Proceedings, Part I". Springer Nature, 2020. vol. 12261.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  24. Adrien Depeursinge and Daniel Racoceanu and Jimison Iavindrasana and Gilles Cohen and Alexandra Platon and Pierre-Alexandre Poletti and Henning Muller (2020). "COVID-19 and cardiovascular diseases". Journal of Cardiology, 2020.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  25. Chao-Hui Huang and Daniel Racoceanu (2020). "Enhanced Methods for Lymphocyte Detection and Segmentation on H&E Stained Images using eXclusive Autoencoders". EMBC'20-42nd Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2020.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  26. Ryad Zemouri and Noureddine Zerhouni and Daniel Racoceanu (2019). "Deep learning in the biomedical applications: Recent and future status". Applied Sciences 9 (8), 1526, 2019. vol. 9. no. 8. pp. 1526.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  27. Gabriel Jiménez and Daniel Racoceanu (2019). "Deep learning for semantic segmentation vs. classification in computational pathology: application to mitosis analysis in breast cancer grading". Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 145, 2019. vol. 7. pp. 145.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  28. Laura Marin and Fanny Lys Casado and Daniel Racoceanu and Joseph A Pinto (2019). "Classification of prostate cancer based on clinical and omics data using neural networks techniques to improve prognostic power.". Journal of Clinical Oncology 37 (15_suppl), e16569-e16569, 2019. vol. 37. no. 15_suppl. pp. e16569-e16569.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  29. Natasha Lepore and Jorge Brieva and Eduardo Romero and Daniel Racoceanu and Leo Joskowicz (2019). "Processing and Analysis of Biomedical Information". Springer, 2019.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  30. L Marin and D Racoceanu and F Casado (2019). "Classification of prostate cancer based on clinical and omic data using neural networks techniques to improve prognostic power". European Urology Supplements 18 (1), e1783, 2019. vol. 18. no. 1. pp. e1783.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  31. Monjoy Saha and Chandan Chakraborty and Daniel Racoceanu (2018). "Efficient deep learning model for mitosis detection using breast histopathology images". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 64, 29-40, 2018. vol. 64. pp. 29-40.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  32. Fedra Trujillano and Andres Flores and Carlos Saito and Mario Balcazar and Daniel Racoceanu (2018). "Corn classification using Deep Learning with UAV imagery. An operational proof of concept". 2018 IEEE 1st Colombian conference on applications in computational …, 2018. pp. 1-4.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  33. Chao-Hui Huang and Daniel Racoceanu (2018). "eXclusive Autoencoder (XAE) for Nucleus Detection and Classification on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Stained Histopathological Images". arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.11243, 2018.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  34. Babak Ehteshami Bejnordi and Mitko Veta and Paul Johannes Van Diest and Bram Van Ginneken and Nico Karssemeijer and Geert Litjens and Jeroen AWM Van Der Laak and Meyke Hermsen and Quirine F Manson and Maschenka Balkenhol and Oscar Geessink and Nikolaos Stathonikos and Marcory CRF Van Dijk and Peter Bult and Francisco Beca and Andrew H Beck and Dayong Wang and Aditya Khosla and Rishab Gargeya and Humayun Irshad and Aoxiao Zhong and Qi Dou and Quanzheng Li and Hao Chen and Huang-Jing Lin and Pheng-Ann Heng and Christian Haß and Elia Bruni and Quincy Wong and Ugur Halici and Mustafa Ümit Öner and Rengul Cetin-Atalay and Matt Berseth and Vitali Khvatkov and Alexei Vylegzhanin and Oren Kraus and Muhammad Shaban and Nasir Rajpoot and Ruqayya Awan and Korsuk Sirinukunwattana and Talha Qaiser and Yee-Wah Tsang and David Tellez and Jonas Annuscheit and Peter Hufnagl and Mira Valkonen and Kimmo Kartasalo and Leena Latonen and Pekka Ruusuvuori and Kaisa Liimatainen and Shadi Albarqouni and Bharti Mungal and Ami George and Stefanie Demirci and Nassir Navab and Seiryo Watanabe and Shigeto Seno and Yoichi Takenaka and Hideo Matsuda and Hady Ahmady Phoulady and Vassili Kovalev and Alexander Kalinovsky and Vitali Liauchuk and Gloria Bueno and M Milagro Fernandez-Carrobles and Ismael Serrano and Oscar Deniz and Daniel Racoceanu and Rui Venâncio and CAMELYON16 Consortium (2017). "Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer". Jama 318 (22), 2199-2210, 2017. vol. 318. no. 22. pp. 2199-2210.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  35. Korsuk Sirinukunwattana and Josien PW Pluim and Hao Chen and Xiaojuan Qi and Pheng-Ann Heng and Yun Bo Guo and Li Yang Wang and Bogdan J Matuszewski and Elia Bruni and Urko Sanchez and Anton Böhm and Olaf Ronneberger and Bassem Ben Cheikh and Daniel Racoceanu and Philipp Kainz and Michael Pfeiffer and Martin Urschler and David RJ Snead and Nasir M Rajpoot (2017). "Gland segmentation in colon histology images: The glas challenge contest". Medical image analysis 35, 489-502, 2017. vol. 35. pp. 489-502.[PDF][Bibtex]
  36. Victor Gabriel Clatici and Daniel Racoceanu and Claude Dalle and Cristiana Voicu and Lucia Tomas-Aragones and Servando E Marron and Uwe Wollina (2017). "Perceived age and life style. The specific contributions of seven factors involved in health and beauty". Maedica 12 (3), 191, 2017. vol. 12. no. 3. pp. 191.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  37. L Marin and M Ezziane and E Comperat and P Mozer and G Cancel-Tassin and J-F Coté and D Racoceanu and F Boudghene and O Lucidarme and O Cussenot and R Renard Penna (2017). "Comparison of semi-automated and manual methods to measure the volume of prostate cancer on magnetic resonance imaging". Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 98 (5), 423-428, 2017. vol. 98. no. 5. pp. 423-428.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  38. Bassem Ben Cheikh and Catherine Bor-Angelier and Daniel Racoceanu (2017). "A model of tumor architecture and spatial interactions with tumor microenvironment in breast carcinoma". Medical Imaging 2017: Digital Pathology 10140, 73-80, 2017. vol. 10140. pp. 73-80.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  39. Yannick L Kergosien and Daniel Racoceanu (2017). "Semantic knowledge for histopathological image analysis: from ontologies to processing portals and deep learning". 13th International Conference on Medical Information Processing and Analysis …, 2017. vol. 10572. pp. 456-462.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  40. Bassem Ben Cheikh and Nicolas Elie and Benoit Plancoulaine and Catherine Bor-Angelier and Daniel Racoceanu (2017). "Spatial interaction analysis with graph based mathematical morphology for histopathology". 2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017. pp. 813-817.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  41. Lamine Traore and Yannick Kergosien and Daniel Racoceanu (2017). "Bridging the semantic gap between diagnostic histopathology and image analysis". Stud Health Technol Inform 235, 436-440, 2017. vol. 235. pp. 436-440.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  42. Chao-Hui Huang and Daniel Racoceanu (2017). "Automated high-grade prostate cancer detection and ranking on whole slide images". Medical Imaging 2017: Digital Pathology 10140, 59-66, 2017. vol. 10140. pp. 59-66.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  43. Laura Marin and Daniel Racoceanu and Raphaele Renard Penna and Malek Ezziane (2017). "Prostate cancer: computer-aided diagnosis on multiparametric mri". 13th International Conference on Medical Information Processing and Analysis …, 2017. vol. 10572. pp. 346-351.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  44. Oumeima Laifa and Delphine Le Guillou-Buffello and Daniel Racoceanu (2017). "Tumor angiogenesis assessment using multi-fluorescent scans on murine slices by Markov random field framework". 13th International Conference on Medical Information Processing and Analysis …, 2017. vol. 10572. pp. 49-58.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  45. Daniel Racoceanu and Peter Hufnagl (2017). "Selected papers from the 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology". COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS 61, 1-1, 2017. vol. 61. pp. 1-1.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  46. Rui Venâncio and Bassem Ben Cheikh and Alain Coron and Emi Saegusa-Beecroft and Junji Machi and Daniel Racoceanu and Lori Bridal and Jonathan Mamou (2017). "Notice of Removal: Relating quantitative ultrasound parameters to histologic texture parameters in cancerous human lymph nodes". 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-1, 2017. pp. 1-1.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  47. Humayun Irshad and Ludovic Roux and Olivier Morere and Daniel Racoceanu and Gilles le Naour and Frédérique Capron (2017). "Détection automatique et calcul du compte de mitoses sur lames H&E". Harvard University OpenScholar Working Paper, 2017. no. 221851.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  48. Sreetama Basu and Wei Tsang Ooi and Daniel Racoceanu (2016). "Neurite tracing with object process". IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (6), 1443-1451, 2016. vol. 35. no. 6. pp. 1443-1451.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  49. Bassem Ben Cheikh and Philippe Bertheau and Daniel Racoceanu (2016). "A structure-based approach for colon gland segmentation in digital pathology". Medical Imaging 2016: Digital Pathology 9791, 151-158, 2016. vol. 9791. pp. 151-158.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  50. Daniel Racoceanu and Frédérique Capron (2016). "Semantic integrative digital pathology: Insights into microsemiological semantics and image analysis scalability". Pathobiology 83 (2-3), 148-155, 2016. vol. 83. no. 2-3. pp. 148-155.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  51. Lamine Traore and Christel Daniel and Marie-Christine Jaulent and Thomas Schrader and Daniel Racoceanu and Yannick Kergosien (2016). "A sustainable visual representation of available histopathological digital knowledge for breast cancer grading". diagnostic pathology 2 (1), 2016. vol. 2. no. 1.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  52. Daniel Racoceanu and David Ameisen and A Veillard and B Ben Cheikh and E Attieh and P Brezillon and J-B Yunà and J-M Temerson and L Toubiana and V Verger and J-F Pomerol and Jacques Klossa and F Lallemand and P Constant and F Capron and C Guettier and N Phan and P Bertheau (2016). "Towards efficient collaborative digital pathology: a pioneer initiative of the FlexMIm project". Diagnostic Pathology 1 (8), 2016. vol. 1. no. 8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  53. B Ben Cheikh and C Bor-Angelier and Daniel Racoceanu (2016). "Graph-Based Approach for Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis in Tumor Microenvironment". Diagnostic Pathology 1 (8), 2016. vol. 1. no. 8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  54. Daniel Salas and Jens Gustedt and Daniel Racoceanu and Isabelle Perseil (2016). "Resource-centered distributed processing of large histopathology images". 2016 IEEE Intl Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and …, 2016. pp. 367-370.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  55. L Traore and C Daniel and M-C Jaulent and T Schrader and Daniel Racoceanu and Y Kergosien (2016). "Sustainable formal representation of breast cancer grading histopathological knowledge". Diagnostic Pathology 1 (8), 2016. vol. 1. no. 8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  56. Rui Venà and B Ben Cheikh and A Coron and E Saegusa-Beecroft and J Machi and L Bridal and Daniel Racoceanu and J Mamou (2016). "Micrometastasis Detection Guidance by Whole-Slide Image Texture Analysis in Colorectal Lymph Nodes". Diagnostic Pathology 1 (8), 2016. vol. 1. no. 8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  57. Jean-Baptiste Yunès and Daniel Racoceanu and David Ameisen and A Veillard and B Ben Cheikh and E Attieh and P Brezillon (2016). "Towards Efficient Collaborative Digital Pathology: A Pioneer Initiative Of The FlexMIm Project". the diagnostic pathology journal, 2016.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  58. L Traore and C Daniel and MC Jaulent and T Schrader and D Racoceanu and Y Kergosien (2016). "SY05. 02| Computer Aided Diagnosis". 13TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON DIGITAL PATHOLOGY, 44, 2016. pp. 44.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  59. Bassem Ben Cheikh and Catherine Bor-Angelier and Daniel Racoceanu (2016). "Nuclei Classification in Immunohistochemical Stainings for Tumor Microenvironment Analysis in Digital Pathology". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  60. Daniel Racoceanu and Frédérique Capron (2015). "Towards semantic-driven high-content image analysis: An operational instantiation for mitosis detection in digital histopathology". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 42, 2-15, 2015. vol. 42. pp. 2-15.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  61. Daniel Racoceanu and Philippe Belhomme (2015). "Breakthrough technologies in digital pathology.". Comput. Medical Imaging Graph. 42, 1, 2015. vol. 42. pp. 1.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  62. Bassem Ben Cheikh and Philippe Bertheau and Daniel Racoceanu (2015). "Preliminary approach for crypt detection in Inflammatory Bowel Disease". Journées RITS 2015, 138-139, 2015. pp. 138-139.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  63. Patrick Jamet and Stephen Chai Kheh Chew and Antoine Fagette and Jean-Yves Dufour and Daniel Racoceanu (2015). "Statistically Representative Cloud of Particles for Crowd Flow Tracking". Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: Third International Conference …, 2015. pp. 237-251.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  64. Humayun Irshad and Alexandre Gouaillard and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu (2014). "Multispectral band selection and spatial characterization: Application to mitosis detection in breast cancer histopathology". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 38 (5), 390-402, 2014. vol. 38. no. 5. pp. 390-402.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  65. Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu and Frédérique Capron and Jessica Calvo and Elham Attieh and Gilles Le Naour and Anne Gloaguen (2014). "Mitos & atypia". Image Pervasive Access Lab (IPAL), Agency Sci., Technol. & Res. Inst …, 2014. vol. 1. pp. 1-8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  66. Antoine Fagette and Nicolas Courty and Daniel Racoceanu and Jean-Yves Dufour (2014). "Unsupervised dense crowd detection by multiscale texture analysis". Pattern Recognition Letters 44, 126-133, 2014. vol. 44. pp. 126-133.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  67. Sreetama Basu and Daniel Racoceanu (2014). "Reconstructing neuronal morphology from microscopy stacks using fast marching". 2014 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 3597-3601, 2014. pp. 3597-3601.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  68. Humayun Irshad and Alexandre Gouaillard and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu (2014). "Spectral band selection for mitosis detection in histopathology". 2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1279-1282, 2014. pp. 1279-1282.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  69. Sreetama Basu and Wei Tsang Ooi and Daniel Racoceanu (2014). "Improved marked point process priors for single neurite tracing". 2014 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging, 1-4, 2014. pp. 1-4.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  70. Y Song and S Zhong and Z Zhang and Y Chen and D Rodriguez and B Morton (2014). "The relationship between urban spatial structure and PM2. 5: Lessons learnt from a modeling project on vehicle emissions in Charlotte, USA". City Plan. Rev 38, 9-14, 2014. vol. 38. pp. 9-14.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  71. Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Loménie and Maria Kulikova and Humayun Irshad and Jacques Klossa and Frédérique Capron and Catherine Genestie and Gilles Le Naour and Metin Gurcan (2014). "Mitosis detection in breast cancer histological images". ICPR International Contest, 2014.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  72. Chao-Hui Huang and Shvetha Sankaran and Sohail Ahmed and Daniel Racoceanu and Srivats Hariharan (2014). "Method and system for tracking motion of microscopic objects within a three-dimensional volume". US Patent App. 14/238,727, 2014.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  74. Stephane Ulysse Rigaud (2014). "Framework for neurosphere growth modelling under phase-contrast microscopy". Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, 2014.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  75. Stephane Ulysse Rigaud (2014). "Méthodologie de Modélisation de la Croissance de Neurosphères sous Microscope à Contraste de Phase". Paris 6, 2014.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  76. Humayun Irshad and Antoine Veillard and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu (2013). "Methods for nuclei detection, segmentation, and classification in digital histopathology: a review—current status and future potential". IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 7, 97-114, 2013. vol. 7. pp. 97-114.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  77. Roux Ludovic and Racoceanu Daniel and Loménie Nicolas and Kulikova Maria and Irshad Humayun and Klossa Jacques and Capron Frédérique and Genestie Catherine (2013). "Mitosis detection in breast cancer histological images An ICPR 2012 contest". Journal of pathology informatics 4 (1), 8, 2013. vol. 4. no. 1. pp. 8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  78. Humayun Irshad and Sepehr Jalali and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu and Lim Joo Hwee and Gilles Le Naour and Frédérique Capron (2013). "Automated mitosis detection using texture, SIFT features and HMAX biologically inspired approach". Journal of pathology informatics 4 (2), 12, 2013. vol. 4. no. 2. pp. 12.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  79. Antoine Veillard and Maria S Kulikova and Daniel Racoceanu (2013). "Cell nuclei extraction from breast cancer histopathologyimages using colour, texture, scale and shape information". Diagnostic Pathology 8 (1), 1-3, 2013. vol. 8. no. 1. pp. 1-3.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  80. Humayun Irshad and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu (2013). "Multi-channels statistical and morphological features based mitosis detection in breast cancer histopathology". 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013. pp. 6091-6094.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  81. Sreetama Basu and Maria Kulikova and Elena Zhizhina and Wei Tsang Ooi and Daniel Racoceanu (2013). "A stochastic model for automatic extraction of 3d neuronal morphology". Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2013: 16th …, 2013. pp. 396-403.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  82. Antoine Fagette and Patrick Jamet and Daniel Racoceanu and Jean-Yves Dufour (2013). "Particle video for crowd flow tracking". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  83. Fagette Antoine and Nicolas Courty and Daniel Racoceanu and Jean-Yves Dufour (2013). "Unsupervised dense crowd detection by multiscale texture analysis". Pattern Recognition Letters, 1-27, 2013. pp. 1-27.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  84. Stéphane Rigaud and Chao-Hui Huang and Sohail Ahmed and Joo-Hwee Lim and Daniel Racoceanu (2013). "An analysis-synthesis approach for neurosphere modelisation under phase-contrast microscopy". 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013. pp. 3989-3992.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  85. Humayun Irshad and Alexandre Gouaillard and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu (2013). "Multispectral Spatial Characterization: Application to Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histopathology". arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.4041, 2013.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  86. Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Loménie and Maria Kulikova and Humayun Irshad and Jacques Klossa and Frédérique Capron and Catherine Genestie and Gilles Le Naour and Metin N Gurcan (2013). "J Pathol Inform". J Pathol 2, 8, 2013. vol. 2. pp. 8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  87. Mounir Mokhtari and Hamdi Aloulou and Thibaut Tiberghien and Jit Biswas and Daniel Racoceanu and Philip Yap (2012). "New trends to support independence in persons with mild dementia–a mini-review". Gerontology 58 (6), 554-563, 2012. vol. 58. no. 6. pp. 554-563.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  88. Nicolas Loménie and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Point set morphological filtering and semantic spatial configuration modeling: Application to microscopic image and bio-structure analysis". Pattern Recognition 45 (8), 2894-2911, 2012. vol. 45. no. 8. pp. 2894-2911.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  89. Maria Kulikova and Antoine Veillard and Ludovic Roux and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Nuclei extraction from histopathological images using a marked point process approach". Medical Imaging 2012: Image Processing 8314, 649-656, 2012. vol. 8314. pp. 649-656.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  90. Chao-Hui Huang and Shvetha Sankaran and Daniel Racoceanu and Srivats Hariharan and Sohail Ahmed (2012). "Online 3-D tracking of suspension living cells imaged with phase-contrast microscopy". IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 59 (7), 1924-1933, 2012. vol. 59. no. 7. pp. 1924-1933.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  91. Antoine Veillard and Stéphane Bressan and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "SVM-based framework for the robust extraction of objects from histopathological images using color, texture, scale and geometry". 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 1, 70-75, 2012. vol. 1. pp. 70-75.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  92. Antoine Veillard and Daniel Racoceanu and Stéphane Bressan (2012). "PRBF kernels: A framework for the incorporation of task-specific properties into support vector methods". 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 1 …, 2012. vol. 1. pp. 156-161.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  93. Nicolas Loménie and Daniel Racoceanu and Alexandre Gouaillard (2012). "Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State-of-the-Art and Challenges". Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. vol. 120.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  94. Nicolas Lomnie and Daniel Racoceanu and Alexandre Gouaillard (2012). "Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues State-Of-The-Art and Challenges, chp. 13, pp, 215". Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2012.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  95. Stéphane U Rigaud and Nicolas Loménie and Shvetha Sankaran and Sohail Ahmed and Joo-Hwee Lim and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Neurosphere fate prediction: An analysis-synthesis approach for feature extraction". IEEE WCCI 2012, IEEE World Congress On Computational Intelligence, IJCNN …, 2012.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  96. Sorina Camarasu and Hugues Benoit-Cattin and Johan Montagnat and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Content-Based Medical Image Indexing and Retrieval on Grids". Philippine Information Technology Journal 2 (1), 25-28, 2012. vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 25-28.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  97. Antoine Veillard and Stéphane Bressan and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Kernel Methods for the Incorporation of Prior-Knowledge into Support Vector Machines–THESIS SYNOPSIS–". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  98. Nicolas Loménie and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Point Set Analysis: An Image Analysis Point of View for Rapid Prototyping Technologies". Pattern Recognition 45 (8), 2894–2911, 2012. vol. 45. no. 8. pp. 2894–2911.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  99. Nicolas Lomenie and Daniel Racoceanu (2012). "Ontology-Enhanced Vision System for New Microscopy Imaging Challenges". Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State …, 2012. pp. 157-172.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  100. M Kulikova and A Veillard and L Roux and D Racoceanu and J Huo and M Brown and K Okada and J Zhong and J Tian and H Liu and C Qin and X Yang and X Ma and V Pedoia and E Binaghi and S Balbi and A De Benedictis and E Monti and R Minotto (2012). "PROGRESS IN BIOMEDICAL OPTICS AND IMAGING-PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  101. Eugenia Minca (2012). "A Fuzzy Approach of the Optimal Analysis Based of Failure States in Manufacturing Systems". " Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2012.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  102. Chao-Hui Huang and Antoine Veillard and Ludovic Roux and Nicolas Loménie and Daniel Racoceanu (2011). "Time-efficient sparse analysis of histopathological whole slide images". Computerized medical imaging and graphics 35 (7-8), 579-591, 2011. vol. 35. no. 7-8. pp. 579-591.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  103. C Tay and Ramakrishnan Mukundan and Daniel Racoceanu (2011). "Multifractal analysis of histopathological tissue images". University of Canterbury. Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2011.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  104. Antoine Veillard and Daniel Racoceanu and Stéphane Bressan (2011). "Incorporating prior-knowledge in support vector machines by kernel adaptation". 2011 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2011. pp. 591-596.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  105. Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Loménie and Ludovic Roux (2011). "Cognitive virtual microscopy: a cognition-driven visual explorer for histopathology–the MICO ANR TecSan 2010 initiative". BMC Proceedings 5 (1), 1-1, 2011. vol. 5. no. 1. pp. 1-1.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  106. Pierre Cagnac and Noël Di Noia and Chao-Hui Huang and Daniel Racoceanu and Laurent Chaudron (2011). "Consciousness-driven model for visual attention". The 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1061-1066, 2011. pp. 1061-1066.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  107. Gilles Le Naour and Catherine Genestie and Ludovic Roux and Antoine Veillard and Daniel Racoceanu and Frédérique Capron (2011). "Un explorateur visuel cognitif (MIcroscope COgnitif-MICO) pour l'histopathologie. Application au diagnostic et à la graduation du cancer du sein.". RITS 2011, Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé, 119, 2011. pp. 119.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  108. Roxana Oana Teodorescu and Vladimir-Ioan Cretu and Daniel Racoceanu (2011). "Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis Using Diffusion Tensor Medical Imaging Features Fusion". Biomedical Engineering, Trends in Electronics, Communications and Software, 2011.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  109. D Racoceanu (2011). "Multifractal Analysis of Histopathological Tissue Images". University of Canterbury, 2011.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  110. Adrien Depeursinge and Daniel Racoceanu and Jimison Iavindrasana and Gilles Cohen and Alexandra Platon and Pierre-Alexandre Poletti and Henning Müller (2010). "Fusing visual and clinical information for lung tissue classification in high-resolution computed tomography". Artificial intelligence in medicine 50 (1), 13-21, 2010. vol. 50. no. 1. pp. 13-21.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  111. Wei Xiong and Sim-Heng Ong and Joo-Hwee Lim and Kelvin Weng Chiong Foong and Jiang Liu and Daniel Racoceanu and Alvin GL Chong and Kevin SW Tan (2010). "Automatic area classification in peripheral blood smears". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 57 (8), 1982-1990, 2010. vol. 57. no. 8. pp. 1982-1990.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  112. Antoine Veillard and Nicolas Loménie and Daniel Racoceanu (2010). "An exploration scheme for large images: application to breast cancer grading". 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3472-3475, 2010. pp. 3472-3475.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  113. Chao-Hui Huang and Daniel Racoceanu and Ludovic Roux and Thomas C Putti (2010). "Bio-inspired computer visual system using GPU and visual pattern assessment language (ViPAL): application on breast cancer prognosis". The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2010. pp. 1-8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  114. AE Tutac and VI Cretu and D Racoceanu (2010). "Spatial representation and reasoning in breast cancer grading ontology". 2010 International Joint Conference on Computational Cybernetics and …, 2010. pp. 89-94.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  115. Adina Eunice Tuţac (2010). "Formal representation and reasoning for microscopic medical image-based prognosis; Application to breast cancer grading". Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2010.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  116. Antoine Veillard and Elvina Melissa and Cassandra Theodora and Daniel Racoceanu and Stéphane Bressan (2010). "Support Vector Methods for Sentence Level Machine Translation Evaluation". 2010 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2010. vol. 2. pp. 347-348.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  117. Adina Tutac Épouse Branici (2010). "Représentation et raisonnement formels pour le pronostic basé sur l'imagerie médicale microscropique. Application à la graduation du cancer du sein.". Université de Franche-Comté, 2010.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  118. A Tutac and V Cretu and D Racoceanu (2010). "A Spatial representation and Reasoning Approach for Breast Cancer Grading Ontology". Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara, Transactions on …, 2010. vol. 55. no. 69. pp. 123-133.[PDF][Bibtex]
  119. Mei-Ju Sua and Po-Hsun Chengb and Sao-Jie Chena and Chung-Yi Yangd and Ping-Kung Yipf and Daniel Racoceanugh and Heng-Shuen Chence (2010). "Medical Image Intelligent Access Integrated with Electronic Medical Records System for Brain Degenerative Disease". Data Storage, 2010.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  120. Roxana Oana Teodorescu and Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Smit and Vladimir Ioan Cretu and Eng King Tan and Ling Ling Chan (2010). "Parkinson's disease prediction using diffusion-based atlas approach". Medical Imaging 2010: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 7624, 639-648, 2010. vol. 7624. pp. 639-648.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  121. S Aguilar and M Villasana and E Alba and JM Jerez and C Baumgartner and S Dreiseitl and AC Borczuk and MC Lee and L Boroczky and P Campadelli and E Casiraghi and S Pratissoli and AD Cann and E Casiraghi and G Cavallo and P Soda and CL Chi and WN Street and DA Katz and F Chiarugi and S Colantonio and D Emmanouilidou and M Martinelli and D Moroni and O Salvetti and G Cohen and A Depeursinge and S Colantonio and C D’Elia and C Marrocco and D Racoceanu and J Iavindrasana and G Cohen and A Platon and PA Poletti and H Müller and JN Doctor and G Strylewicz and M Osl and C Baumgartner and S Vinterbo and D Emmanouilidou and E Eskin and R Santana and L Franco and PJ García-Laencina and E Guglielmelli and J Gui and SL Wang and YK Lei and DK Iakovidis and EG Keramidas and D Maroulis and G Iannello and J Iavindrasana and I Molina and PJ García-Laencina and E Alba and N Ribelles and M Martín and L Franco and DA Katz and SM Kawut and EG Keramidas and CE Kuziemsky and F Lau and G Langs and S Zambanini and F Lau and L Boroczky and K Sungur-Stasik and AD Cann and AC Borczuk and SM Kawut and CA Powell and YK Lei and S Lekkas and L Mikhailov and J Liu and W Zhang and JA Lozano and H Maier and J Mailoa and O Uzuner and D Maroulis and M Molinara and C D’Elia and F Tortorella (2010). "journal homepage: www. elsevier. com/locate/aiim". Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 50, 203-204, 2010. vol. 50. pp. 203-204.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  122. Jean-Romain Dalle and Hao Li and Chao-Hui Huang and Wee Kheng Leow and Daniel Racoceanu and Thomas C Putti (2009). "Nuclear pleomorphism scoring by selective cell nuclei detection.". WACV, 2009.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  123. Ludovic Roux and Adina Tutac and Nicolas Loménie and Didier Balensi and Daniel Racoceanu and Antoine Veillard and Wee-Kheng Leow and Jacques Klossa and Thomas C Putti (2009). "A cognitive virtual microscopic framework for knowlege-based exploration of large microscopic images in breast cancer histopathology". 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009. pp. 3697-3702.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  124. Nicolas Loménie and Daniel Racoceanu (2009). "Spatial relationships over sparse representations". 2009 24th International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand …, 2009. pp. 226-230.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  125. Wei Xiong and SH Ong and Christina Kang and Joo Hwee Lim and Jiang Liu and Daniel Racoceanu and Kelvin Foong (2009). "Cell clumping quantification and automatic area classification in peripheral blood smear images". 2009 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 1-5, 2009. pp. 1-5.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  126. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni and Eugenia Minca and Florin Filip (2009). "Training the Recurrent neural network by the Fuzzy Min‐Max algorithm for fault prediction". AIP Conference proceedings 1107 (1), 85-90, 2009. vol. 1107. no. 1. pp. 85-90.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  127. Adina E Tutac and Daniel Racoceanu and Wee-Keng Leow and Henning Müller and Thomas Putti and Vladimir Cretu (2009). "Toward translational incremental similarity-based reasoning in breast cancer grading". Medical Imaging 2009: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 7260, 942-953, 2009. vol. 7260. pp. 942-953.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  128. Razvan-Dorel Cioarga and Mihai V Micea and Vladimir Cretu and Daniel Racoceanu (2009). "Emergent Behavior Control Patterns in Robotic Collectives.". ICIRA 9, 165-173, 2009. vol. 9. pp. 165-173.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  129. Nicolas Loménie and Ludovic Roux and D Balensi and A Tutac and D Racoceanu (2009). "MICO: the COgnitive virtual MIcroscope project". Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS) symposium, Paris, France …, 2009. pp. 16-18.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  130. Adina Tutac and Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Loménie and Ludovic Roux and Thomas C Putti and Vladimir Cretu (2009). "Breast Cancer Grading Knowledge Modeling and Reasoning for Cognitive Virtual Microscopy". National Institutes of Health NIH Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical …, 2009. pp. 1-2.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  131. Adina Tutac and Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Loménie and Ludovic Roux and Didier Balensi and Thomas Putti (2009). "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Breast Cancer Grading in Cognitive Virtual Microscope Framework". A* STAR Scientific Conference, 2009.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  132. Roxana Teodorescu and Daniel Racoceanu and L Chan and K Lovblad and H Muller (2009). "Parkinson’s disease detection using 3d brain mri fa map histograms correlated with tract directions". RSNA 8015681, 1, 2009. vol. 8015681. pp. 1.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  133. Adina Tutac and Daniel Racoceanu and Nicolas Loménie and Wee-Kheng Leow and Ludovic Roux and VI Cretu and Thomas Putti (2009). "Knowledge Modeling of Breast Cancer Grading using OWLDL formalism". Virchows Archiv The European Journal of Pathology, Springer-Verlag Berlin …, 2009. vol. 455. no. supp. 1. pp. S36.[PDF][Bibtex]
  134. L Roux and A Tutac and A Veillard and J Dalle and D Racoceanu and N Lomenie and J Klossa (2009). "A cognitive approach to microscopy analysis applied to automatic breast cancer grading". VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 455, 34-35, 2009. vol. 455. pp. 34-35.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  135. Ryad Zemouri and Florin Gheorghe Filip and Eugenia Minca and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2009). "Boosting the Performances of the Recurrent Neural Network by the Fuzzy Min-Max". SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 12 (1), 69-90, 2009. vol. 12. no. 1. pp. 69-90.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  136. Chao-Hui Haung and Wee-Kheng Leow and Daniel Racoceanu (2009). "A cellular neural network as a principal component analyzer". 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1163-1170, 2009. pp. 1163-1170.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  137. Eugenia Minca and Daniel Racoceanu and Otilia Dragomir and Veronica Stefan and Florin Dragomir (2009). "Predictive modelling of the monitoring function. A predictive modelling application for fault states in a manufacturing system". 2009 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 1487-1492, 2009. pp. 1487-1492.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  138. Eugenia Minca and Florin Filip and Daniel Racoceanu and Veronica Stefan and Antoniu Stefan (2009). "Advanced methods for recurrent hierarchical systems modeling. Application to producer-consumer distributed energy production systems". 2009 7th Asian Control Conference, 1542-1547, 2009. pp. 1542-1547.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  139. Jiang Liu and Joo Hwee Lim and Daniel RACOCEANU and Wong Wing Kee Damon and Huiqi Li (2009). "Leaking detection for Medical image segmentation". ICT4Health 2008 - International Symposium on ICT For Health, 2009.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  140. Wee Kheng Leow and Daniel Racoceanu and Feng Ding and Hao Li (2009). "Proceedings Of The Singaporean-french Ipal Symposium 2009-Sinfra'09 (Cd-rom)". World Scientific, 2009.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  141. Jean-Romain Dalle and Wee Kheng Leow and Daniel Racoceanu and Adina Eunice Tutac and Thomas C Putti (2008). "Automatic breast cancer grading of histopathological images". 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008. pp. 3052-3055.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  142. Adina Eunice Tutac and Daniel Racoceanu and Thomas Putti and Wei Xiong and Wee-Kheng Leow and Vladimir Cretu (2008). "Knowledge-guided semantic indexing of breast cancer histopathology images". 2008 international conference on biomedical engineering and informatics 2 …, 2008. vol. 2. pp. 107-112.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  143. Adina Eunice Tutac and Daniel Racoceanu and Wee-Kheng Leow and Jean Romain Dalle and Thomas Putti and Wei Xiong and Vladimir Cretu (2008). "Translational approach for semi-automatic breast cancer grading using a knowledge-guided semantic indexing of histopathology images". Proc. MIAAB, 1-8, 2008. pp. 1-8.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  144. Wei Xiong and Sim Heng Ong and Joo-Hwee Lim and NN Tung and Jiang Liu and Daniel Racoceanu and K Tan and A Chong and K Foong (2008). "Automatic working area classification in peripheral blood smears using spatial distribution features across scales". 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008. pp. 1-4.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  145. Toshiharu Nakai and Epifanio Bagarinao and Yoshio Tanaka and Kayako Matsuo and Daniel Racoceanu (2008). "Ontology for FMRI as a biomedical informatics method". Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 7 (3), 141-155, 2008. vol. 7. no. 3. pp. 141-155.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  146. Roxana Teodorescu and Daniel Racoceanu and Wee-Kheng Leow and Vladimir Cretu (2008). "Prospective study for semantic inter-media fusion in content-based medical image retrieval". Medical Imaging Technology 26 (1), 48, 2008. vol. 26. no. 1. pp. 48.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  147. Wei Xiong and Joo-Hwee Lim and SH Ong and NN Tung and J Liu and D Racoceanu and K Tan and A Chong and K Foong (2008). "Automatic working area classification in peripheral blood smears without cell central zone extraction". 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008. pp. 4074-4077.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  148. Roxana-Oana TEODORESCU and Cosmin CERNAZANU-GLAVAN and Vladimir-Ioan CRETU and Daniel RACOCEANU (2008). "The use of the medical ontology for a semantic-based fusion system in Biomedical Informatics". IEEE Int. Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and Technical …, 2008.[PDF][Bibtex]
  149. Roxana-Oana Teodorescu and Vladimir–Ioan Cretu and Daniel Racoceanu (2008). "The use of Medical Ontology in a knowledge-based semantic Fusion system". IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing 1, 265-268, 2008. vol. 1. pp. 265-268.[PDF][Bibtex]
  150. Sorina Camarasu-Pop and H Benoit-Cattin and J Montagnat and D Racoceanu (2008). "Grids for Content-Based Medical Image Indexing and Retrieval". ICT4Health, Oncomedia, 2008.[PDF][Bibtex]
  151. Caroline Lacoste and Jean-Pierre Chevallet and Joo-Hwee Lim and Diem Le Thi Hoang and Xiong Wei and Daniel Racoceanu and Roxana Teodorescu and Nicolas Vuillenemot (2007). "Inter-Media Conceptual Based Medical Image Indexing and Retrieval with UMLS at IPAL". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi …, 2007. pp. 694-701.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  152. Patrick BREZILLON and Daniel RACOCEANU (2007). "A context model for content based medical image retrieval". Medical Imaging Technology 25 (5), 327, 2007. vol. 25. no. 5. pp. 327.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  153. Mei-Ju Su and Heng-Shuen Chen and Chung-Yi Yang and Sao-Jie Chen and Robert Chen and Wen-Jeng LEE and Po-Hsun CHENG and Ping-Kung YIP and Hon-Mon LIU and Fei-Pei LAI and Daniel RACOCEANU (2007). "Diagnostic Decision Support by Intelligent Medical Image Retrieval with Electronic Medical Record for Dementia Treatment Enhancement". Medical Imaging Technology 25 (5), 350, 2007. vol. 25. no. 5. pp. 350.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  154. Eugénia Minca and Daniel Racoceanu and Fl Dragomir and Noureddine Zerhouni (2007). "A fuzzy approach for discrete event systems recovery". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (18), 585-590, 2007. vol. 40. no. 18. pp. 585-590.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  155. Roxana Teodorescu and Daniel Racoceanu (2007). "Semantic inter-media fusion design for a content-based medical image retrieval system". Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology-JAMIT-ONCO-MEDIA workshop …, 2007. pp. 21-22.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  156. Bo Qiu and Daniel Racoceanu (2007). "Finding Image Structure by Hierarchal Segmentation". 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1419-1422, 2007. pp. 1419-1422.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  157. Patrick BREZILLON and Daniel RACOCEANU (2007). "Context Modeling in CBIR". JAMIIT Proceedings, ONCO_MEDIA special session in JAMIIT (Japanese Society …, 2007.[PDF][Bibtex]
  158. Mei-Ju Su and Heng-Shuen Chen and Chung-Yi Yang and Sao-Jie Chen and Wen-Jeng Lee and Po-Hsun Cheng and Ping-Kung Yip and Hon-Mon Liu and Fei-Pei Lai and Daniel Racoceanu (2007). "A Preliminary Study of Medical Image Distributed Intelligent Access Integrated with Electronic Medical Records System for Brain Degenerative Disease". 2007 9th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and …, 2007. pp. 19-23.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  159. Caroline Lacoste and Jean-Pierre Chevallet and Joo-Hwee Lim and Diem Thi Hoang Le and Wei Xiong and Daniel Racoceanu and Roxana Teodorescu and Nicolas Vuillenemot (2007). "Part V-Cross-Language Retrieval in Image Collections (ImageCLEF)-ImageCLEFmed-Inter-media Concept-Based Medical Image Indexing and Retrieval with UMLS at IPAL". Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4730, 694-701, 2007. vol. 4730. pp. 694-701.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  160. Toshiharu NAKAI and Daniel RACOCEANU (2007). "Special Issue on ONCO-MEDIA-Introduction". Medical imaging technology 25 (5), 325, 2007. vol. 25. no. 5. pp. 325.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  161. Daniel Racoceanu (2006). "Contribution à la surveillance des Systèmes de Production en utilisant les Techniques de l’Intelligence Artificielle". Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de FRANCHE COMTÉ de …, 2006.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  162. Caroline Lacoste and Jean-Pierre Chevallet and Joo-Hwee Lim and Xiong Wei and Daniel Racoceanu and Diem Thi Hoang Le and Roxana Teodorescu and Nicolas Vuillemenot (2006). "IPAL Knowledge-based Medical Image Retrieval in ImageCLEFmed 2006.". CLEF (Working Notes), 2006.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  163. Nicolas Palluat and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2006). "A neuro-fuzzy monitoring system: Application to flexible production systems". Computers in Industry 57 (6), 528-538, 2006. vol. 57. no. 6. pp. 528-538.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  164. Daniel Racoceanu and Caroline Lacoste and Roxana Teodorescu and Nicolas Vuillemenot (2006). "A semantic fusion approach between medical images and reports using UMLS". Information Retrieval Technology: Third Asia Information Retrieval Symposium …, 2006. pp. 460-475.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  165. Nicolas Palluat (2006). "Méthodologie de surveillance dynamique à l'aide des réseaux neuro-flous temporels.". Université de Franche-Comté, 2006.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  166. Nicolas Palluat (2006). "Méthodologie de surveillance dynamique à l'aide des réseaux neuro-flous temporels.". Université de Franche-Comté, 2006.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  167. Daniel RACOCEANU (2006). "HABILITATION à DIRIGER des RECHERCHES". University of Besancon, France, 2006.[PDF][Bibtex]
  168. Bo Qiu and Daniel Racoceanu and Chang Sheng Xu and Qi Tian (2006). "Stripe: image feature based on a new grid method and its application in ImageCLEF". Information Retrieval Technology: Third Asia Information Retrieval Symposium …, 2006. pp. 489-496.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  169. Maxime Monnin and Nicolas Palluat and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2006). "Diagnosis methods using artificial intelligence. Application of fuzzy petri nets and neuro-fuzzy systems". Management and Control of Production and Logistics 2004 (MCPL 2004): A …, 2006. pp. 101.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  170. Nicolas PALLUAT and Daniel RACOCEANU and Noureddine Zerhouni (2005). "Utilisation des réseaux de neurones temporels pour le pronostic et la surveillance dynamique: Etude comparative de trois réseaux de neurones récurrents". Revue d'intelligence artificielle 19 (6), 913-950, 2005. vol. 19. no. 6. pp. 913-950.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  171. R Daniel and RB Boone and C Stephen and SC McFarlane and L Shelley and S Von Berg (2005). "The voice and voice therapy". Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2005.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  172. Nicolas Palluat and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2005). "An UML Modelling of a Neuro-Fuzzy Monitoring System". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 305-310, 2005. vol. 38. no. 1. pp. 305-310.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  173. Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2005). "Monitoring Approach Using Recurrent Radial Basis Function Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems". 2005 International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain 2, 678-682, 2005. vol. 2. pp. 678-682.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  174. PROTEUS WP Team and B Brézillon and F Charpillet and JY Jaffray and N Moine and B Morello and S Müller and G Nguengang and N Palluat and L Pelissier (2004). "On the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Prognosis and Diagnosis in the PROTEUS E-maintenance platform". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  175. Nicolas Palluat and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2004). "Diagnosis aid system using a neuro-fuzzy approach". Advances in Maintenance and Modeling, Simulation and Intelligent Monitoring …, 2004.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  176. Maxime Monnin and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2004). "Overview on diagnosis methods using artificial intelligence application of fuzzy Petri nets". IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2004. 2, 740-745, 2004. vol. 2. pp. 740-745.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  177. Nicolas Palluat and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2004). "Dynamic neuro-fuzzy system for diagnosis aid". Intelligent Maintenance System - IMS 2004, 2004.[PDF][Bibtex]
  178. Nicolas Palluat and Daniel Racoceanu (2004). "Conception et prototypage d’un systeme de surveillance dynamique embarqué et d’aide au diagnostic d’un centre d’usinagea grande vitesse". Technical report. OSÉO anvar-Aide aux Jeunes pour l’Innovation Technologique, 2004.[PDF][Bibtex]
  179. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2003). "Recurrent radial basis function network for time-series prediction". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 16 (5-6), 453-463, 2003. vol. 16. no. 5-6. pp. 453-463.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  180. Ryad Zemouri (2003). "Contribution à la surveillance des systèmes de production à l'aide des réseaux de neurones dynamiques: Application à la e-maintenance". Université de Franche-Comté, 2003.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  181. E Minca and D Racoceanu and N Zerhouni (2003). "Fuzzy logic Petri nets for monitoring systems modeling". IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 14-19, 2003. pp. 14-19.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  182. E Minca and D Racoceanu and N Zerhouni and I Brezeanu (2003). "Approche floue par la détection". Qualita2003, 5ème Congrès International Pluridisciplinaire Qualité et Sûreté …, 2003. pp. 18-20.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  183. Daniel Racoceanu and Eugenia Minca and Noureddine Zerhouni (2003). "Fuzzy Petri nets for monitoring and recovery". 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003. vol. 3. pp. 4318-4323.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  184. E Minca and D Racoceanu and N Zerhouni (2003). "Approche de détection par réseau de Petri flou". Pentom2003, Performance et Nouvelles Technologies en Maintenance, 26-28, 2003. pp. 26-28.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  185. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine ZERHOUNI (2003). "Réseaux de neurones récurrents à fonctions de base radiales: Application à la surveillance dynamique". Journal européen des systèmes automatisés 37 (1), 49-81, 2003. vol. 37. no. 1. pp. 49-81.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  186. R Zemouri and D Racoceanu and N Zerhouni and S Durand (2003). "Une approche hybride pour l’évaluation et l’amélioration des performances d’un service de maintenance, basée sur les modèles analytiques et la simulation". .[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  187. Mohamed Ryad ZEMOURI (2003). "GRADE DE DOCTEUR DE L’UNIVERSITE DE FRANCHE-COMTE". Université de Franche-Comté, 2003.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  188. R ZEMOURI and D RACOCEANU and N ZERHOUNI and S DURAND (2003). "Utilisation conjointe des techniques de modélisation analytiques et de simulation pour l'évaluation des performances et l'optimisation de l'organisation d'un service de maintenance". Revue internationale d'ingénierie des systèmes de production mécanique, II3-II14, 2003. no. 7. pp. II3-II14.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  189. Eugenia Minca and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2002). "Monitoring systems modeling and analysis using fuzzy Petri nets". Studies in Informatics and Control 11 (4), 331-338, 2002. vol. 11. no. 4. pp. 331-338.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  190. Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni and Nawal Addouche (2002). "Modular modeling and analysis of a distributed production system with distant specialised maintenance". Proceedings 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2002. vol. 4. pp. 4046-4052.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  191. Ryad A Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2002). "Réseaux de neurones récurrents à fonctions de base radiales: RRFR Application au pronostic.". Rev. d'Intelligence Artif. 16 (3), 307-338, 2002. vol. 16. no. 3. pp. 307-338.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  192. Eugenia Minca and Daniel Racoceanu and Nouredinne Zerhouni and Iulian Brezeanu (2002). "Fuzzy based petri nets for the production systems diagnosis". Proceedings International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and …, 2002. vol. 12.[PDF][Bibtex]
  193. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2002). "Application of the dynamic RBF network in a monitoring problem of the production systems". 15e IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 2002.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  194. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2002). "From the spherical to an elliptic form of the dynamic RBF neural network influence field". Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2002. vol. 1. pp. 107-112.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  195. Zemouri Ryad and Racoceanu Daniel and Zerhouni Noureddine (2002). "Application of the dynamic RBF network in a monitoring problem of the production systems". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35 (1), 295-300, 2002. vol. 35. no. 1. pp. 295-300.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  196. Zemouri Ryad and Racoceanu Daniel and Zerhouni Noureddine (2001). "The RRBF. Dynamic representation of time in radial basis function network". ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2001. vol. 2. pp. 737-740.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  197. Ryad Zemouri and Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2001). "A Petri nets graphic method of reduction using birth-death processes". Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2001. vol. 1. pp. 46-51.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  198. R Zemouri and D Racoceanu and N Zerhouni and S Durand (2001). "Simulation et évaluation des performances d’un atelier de maintenance". Proceeding of the Symposium International sur la Maintenance Industrielle …, 2001.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  199. Daniel Racoceanu and Noureddine Zerhouni (2000). "Use of singular perturbations for the reduction of manufacturing system models". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33 (17), 47-52, 2000. vol. 33. no. 17. pp. 47-52.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  200. B Christine and B Thierry and JK Sadasivam and K Michel and R Daniel (2000). "Poten-tial of plant-protein sources as fish meal substitutes in diets for turbot (Psetta maxima): growth, nutrient utilization and thyroid status". Aquaculture 188 (3/4), 363-382, 2000. vol. 188. no. 3/4. pp. 363-382.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  201. Nicolae Brinzei and George Draghici and Michel Ferney and Noureddine Zerhouni (1999). "Modélisation des systèmes de production par une approche multi-agents". Bulletin scientifique, Université «POLITEHNICA» de Timisoara, département de …, 1999.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  202. Daniel Racoceanu and Abdellah El Moudni (1997). "Contribution à la modélisation et à l’analyse des chaînes de Markov à échelles de temps et échelles de pondérations multiples. Application à la gestion d’un système hydro-énergétique". Th. Automatique et informatique, 1997.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  203. Daniel Racoceanu (1997). "Contribution a la modelisation et a l'analyse des chaines de markov a echelles de temps et echelles de ponderations multiples. Application a la gestion d'un systeme hydro-energetique". Besançon, 1997.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  204. D Racoceanu and A Elmoudni and M Ferney and S Zerhouni (1995). "On a new method of Markov chain reduction". Mathematical Modelling of Systems 1 (3), 199-229, 1995. vol. 1. no. 3. pp. 199-229.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  205. Daniel Racoceanu and Abdellah El Moudni and Michel Ferney and Said Zerhouni (1995). "A nearby optimal control of Markov chains using discrete singular perturbations in the case of first order polynomial control: problems with target". Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 18, 429-442, 1995. vol. 18. pp. 429-442.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  206. Daniel Racoceanu and Abdellah El Moudni and Michel Ferney and S Zerhouni (1994). "Use of an homographic transformation jointly to the singular perturbation for the resolution of Markov chains. Application to the operational safety study". Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 1994. pp. 3544-3549.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]
  207. D Racoceanu and A El Moudni and M Ferney and S Zerhouni (1994). "A singular perturbation approach to modeling and resolution of Markov chains". Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 15 (2), 83-101, 1994. vol. 15. no. 2. pp. 83-101.[Paper link][PDF][Bibtex]