On-going Ph.D. Supervisions

Ph.D. candidate, Sorbonne University
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics

Ph.D. candidate, Sorbonne University
ED158 (ED3C) Doctoral School of Brain, Cognition, and Behavior (Cerveau, Cognition, Comportement).

Ph.D. candidate, Sorbonne University
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics

Ph.D. candidate, Sorbonne University
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
Graduated Ph.D.s Supervised

Ph.D. of the Sorbonne University, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication And Electronics
16 Oct. 2024, Paris, France

Ph.D. of the Sorbonne University, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
18 Sept. 2024, Paris, France

Ph.D. of the Sorbonne University, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
Ph.D. Oral Defense: 2 Sept. 2019, Paris, France
jury: Prof. Yannick Kergosien (president), Prof. Maria Gloria Bueno Garcia(reviewer), A/Prof.Dr.Habil. Vlad Popovici (reviewer), A/Prof. Nicolas Lomenie (examiner), Dr.Habil. Thierry Delzescaux (examiner), Prof. Daniel Racoceanu (supervisor)
co-supervised With Dr Wee Kuan Lee (Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR, Singapore)

Ph.D. of the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
ED393 Doctoral School - Public Health: Epidemiology And Biomedical Informatics
8 Dec. 2017, Paris, France
co-supervised with Prof. Yannick Kergosien (University Cergy Pontoise, France)
[Ph.D. Report] & [synopsis] & [slides]

Ph.D. of the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
26 Sept 2017, Paris, France
[Ph.D. Report] & [synopsis] & [slides]

Ph.D. of the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
8 June 2016, Paris, France
co-supervised With Dr Antoine Veillard (UPMC), Dr Vijay Chandresekhar (i2r, A*STAR) And Dr Hanlin Goh (i2r, A*STAR)

Ph.D. of the National University of Singapore
24 March 2014, Singapore
co-supervised With A/Prof. Wei-tsang Ooi, National University of Singapore
first Position After Ph.D.: Research Fellow, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

Ph.D. of the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
13 June 2014, Paris, France
first position after the Ph.D.: R&D Engineer, Thales-Asia Solution Engineer
[Ph.D. Report] & [synopsis] & [slides]

Ph.D. of the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
ED130 (EDITE) Doctoral School - Computer Science, Telecommunication and Electronics
10th of March 2014, Paris, France
first position after the Ph.D.: Institut Curie, Paris, France, (3 Years Contract)
[Ph.D. Report] & [synopsis] & [slides]

Ph.D. of the University Grenoble Alpes, UJF-Grenoble 1.
20th Of January 2014, Grenoble, France
first position after the Ph.D.: Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA (3 Years Contract).
[Ph.D. Report] & [synopsis] & [slides]

Ph.D. of the National University of Singapore
11 Dec. 2012, Singapore
first position after the Ph.D.: Research Fellow @ University Pierre And Marie Curie, Paris, France (3 Years Contract)
[Ph.D. Report] & [synopsis] & [slides]

Double Ph.D. Diplomae: University of Franche-comté and Politehnica University of Timisoara
11 Apr. 2011,Besançon, France
first position after the Ph.D.: Research Fellow @ Mount Sinai University Hospital, New York (3 Years Contract)

Double Ph.D. Diplomae: University of Franche-comté and Politehnica University of Timisoara
22 Oct. 2010, Timisoara, Romania
first position after the Ph.D.: R&d Manager At Sionic Srl, Timisoara, Romania

Ph.D. of the University of Franche-comté,
12 Jan. 2006, Besançon, France
first position after the Ph.D.: Post-doctoral Fellow In Brezil (2,5 Years Contract)

Ph.D. of the University of Franche-comté, Besançon,
24 Sept. 2004, Târgoviste, Romania
first position after the Ph.D.: A/prof. (tenure position) University Valahia, Targoviste, Romania

Ph.D. of the University of Besançon, France
28 Nov. 2003, Besançon, France
first position after the Ph.D.: A/Prof. (tenure position) Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers (CNAM), Paris, France