Professional Experience & Responsibilities:
- Since 2020: Advisory Board, European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology (ESDIP)
- Since 2019: Full Professor, Sorbonne University, Paris, France (Sorbonne)
- Since 2019: Principal Investigator, Paris Brain Institute, Paris, France (ICM), Inria team "Aramis"
- 2018-2022: Member of the Board of Directors of the MICCAI Society
- 2018-2020: President, European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology (ESDIP)
- 2016-2018: Full Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
- 2016-2018: Vice-President, European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology (ESDIP)
- 2011-2016: Full Professor, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France (UPMC)
- 2013-2015: Full Professor (adj.), National University of Singapore (NUS)
- 2008-2014: Director of the CNRS International Research Lab. (IPAL - UMI CNRS 2955), Singapore
- 2011-2013: CNRS Senior Research Fellow, IPAL - UMI CNRS 2955, Singapore
- 2009-2013: A/Prof. (adj.), National University of Singapore (NUS)
- 2005-2011: CNRS Research Fellow, IPAL - UMI CNRS 2955, Singapore
- 1999-2005: A/Prof., Univ. of Franche-Comté, Research Fellow at FEMTO-ST Institute - UMR CNRS 6174, France
- 1998-1999: Project Manager, General Electric Energy European Technology Ctr, Belfort, France
- 1997-1998: Logistics and Planning Manager, Gaussin Manugistique, Héricourt, France
- 1993-1996: Lecturer, Univ. Inst. of Technology of Belfort - Montbéliard, Univ. Franche-Comté, Belfort, France
- 1992-1993: Research Fellow, R&D Inst. Welding & Material Testing (ISIM), Timisoara, Romania
Scientific activities:
General competencies: BioMedical Image Understanding, Semantics for high-content image exploration, Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval.
Main projects:
- PAPHOS Platform for Advanced Prescriptive Health Operational System, helping healthcare providers embrace the data-driven revolution, EIT Health - European Institute of Innovation & Technology (2016-2018)
- Bio-Engineering for health. Multiparametric ultrasonic classification to evaluate tumor progression, Medical Research Foundation (FRM - Fondation pour le Recherche Médicale, France) (2014-2016)
- Quantitative Tumour Angiogenesis Assessments using 3D Radiographic/ Histopathologic Imaging and Xenotransplantation for Cancer Therapy, Career Development Award (CDA) A*STAR/JCO (Joint Council Office : SERC-BMRC/A*STAR) Singapore (2014-2017)
- IAMS - "A suite of integrated microscopy systems for imaging anatomies of complex 3D cell culture systems", granted by A*STAR/JCO (Joint Council Office SERC-BMRC/A*STAR) Singapore (2013-2016)
- FlexMIm – "Collaborative digital histopathology", project funded by the Consolidated Interministerial Fund (FUI - Fonds Unitaires Interministériels), French Ministry of Industry (MINEFE) (2013-2016)
Activities at IPAL UMI CNRS, Singapore (2005 - 2014):
Researches focusing on Knowledge-based Medical Image Analysis, Medical Image-based Reasoning Systems, Medical Image Analysis, Medical Image Semnatic Indexing and Retrieval, Content Based Medical Image Retrieval, Medical Ontologies, Fusion between Medical Image Modalities.
Keywords: Biomedical Image Analysis, Indexing, Retrieval and Management, Fusion Between Medical Multimedia, Machine Learning.
Main projects:
- MICO - "COgnitive MIcroscope: A cognition-driven visual explorer for histopathology. Application to breast cancer grading", (2011-2014), Technologies for Health program (TecSan - Technologies pour la Santé) of the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche - ANR).
- IC0604 - EURO-TELEPATH - “Telepathology Network in Europe” COST Action European Cooperation in Science and Technology: Telepathology, virtual microscopy, histopathology (2007-2011)
- IVS4NSC - "An Intelligent Vision System for Quantitative Microscopy in Neural Stem Cells Progenitor Growth and Differentiation" A*STAR/JCO (Joint Council Office SERC-BMRC/A*STAR) Singapour (2009-2013)
- MMedWeb - "Multimedia Medical Conceptual Web for Intelligent Information Access", A*STAR/SERC - Science & Engineering Research Council, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore 2007-2010)
- ONCO-MEDIA "Ontology and COntext related MEdical image Distributed Intelligent Access", granted by the 5th ICT-ASIA Programme (2006-2010)
Scientific events co-organized in this period:
- ICPR 2014,Mitosis & Atypia international benchmark, Stockolm, Sweden, Aug. 2014.
- ICPR 2012, Mitosis detection int. benchmark, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 2012 [link]
- SinFra 2012, Singaporean - French IPAL Symposium, Paris, 15-16 Oct 2012 [link]
- WCCI2010, 2010, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain - 18-23 July 2010, Special Session : "Image Understanding an important step toward Visual Cognition" [link]
- SFBI 2011, Singaporean-French BioImaging Seminar, 24-25 Feb. 2011, Biopolis, Singapore [link]
- SinFra'09 - 18-20th of February 2009, Fusionopolis, Singapore [link] [pictures]
- ONCO-MEDIA - MIST 2007 (International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taipei) workshop, Wan-Fang Hospital, 19th November 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
- “Ontology and Context Related Medical Image Distributed Intelligent Access” - ONCO-MEDIA special session at the JAMIT (Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology) Annual Meeting, 20th of July 2007, Tsukuba, Japan
- ONCO-MEDIA – AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Workshop, 18-19 July 2007, Tsukuba, Japan
- AIRS 2006 – Asia Information retrieval Symposium, 16-18 Oct 2006, Singapore, “Medical Image Retrieval” - Special Session.
- SFBI'06, 1st Singaporean-French Workshop in Medical Image, 12-13 October 2006, Biopolis, Singapore [link]
Activities at FEMTO-ST UMR CNRS, Besançon, France (1999 - 2005):
Courses at the Sciences and Techniques Department, in the field of artificial intelligence, diagnosis and prognosis, maintenance and e-maintenance, fault detection, real time, non linear systems and discrete event systems.
Research in the field of artificial intelligence applied to the dynamic monitoring, diagnosis and prognosis.
Main projects:
- PROTEUS (a generic platform for e-maintenance), FP5 European Integrated Project of ITEA program (Information Technology for European Advancement), 14 European industrial and academic partners (France, Germany, Belgium)
- NEMOSYS (Naval E-Maintenance Oriented SYStem); Industry founded project involving 6 industries and 3 academic partners from France
Other professional activities:
- Project Manager, General Electric Energy European Technology Center, Gas turbine department, Belfort, France (B€1,2 /2000 persons) (1998 to 1999). Design, technical, production, logistics and financial management of gas turbines projects. Reengineering, General Electric integration teams.
- Logistics and Planning Manager, Gaussin S.A., Héricourt, France (1997-1998) , Design and fabrication of special trailers for industry, airport and seaport (M€10 /100 persons). Logistic management, supply chain management, Reengineering and management of a distributed subsidiary structure.
- Lecturer, University Institute of Technology of Belfort, France (1993-1996). Logistic management, supply chain management courses and laboratory. Flexible production system laboratory (RFID, Programmable Logic Controllers programming, production flow management through PLC programming)
Academic Background:
- 2006 - HDR – (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) -Control and Computer Sciences, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France : "Contribution to the Production Systems Dynamic Monitoring using Artificial Intelligence Techniques".Keywords: Dynamic Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence, Ambient Intelligence, Dynamic Neural Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Petri Nets, E-maintenance, Diagnosis, Prognosis. [HDR manuscript], [HDR synopsis], [HDR sides].
- 1997 - Ph.D. - Control and Computer Sciences, University of Besançon, France (with highest distinction - jury’s congratulations – THFJ : Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury): "Contributions in the field of stochastic model (Markov Chains) reduction. Applications to the hydropower production system management". Keywords: Stochastic Modeling, Markov Chains, Control, Reduction Methods, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Perturbations. [manuscript (french+english abstracts)], [PhD. slides].
- 1993 - M.Sc. (Master of Science) - Control Sciences, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, Belfort, France (major and with distinction - trés bien)
- 1992 - M.Eng./Dipl.Ing. (Master of Engineering / Diploma de Inginer) - Mechatronic Production Systems, TCM Dpt., Politehnica University of Timisoara (with highest distinction - 10/10).